Saturday, December 20, 2008


امبارح قلبي اتكسر
وأنا كنت فاكراه بقى حجر
لكن انفطر
اتفتفت واتنطر
زي حبات المطر
وبقيت اسأل ليه يا قدر
ليه الي بحبه غدر
هو دا جزاء البطر؟
ياماقالولي وكدبت الخبر
اخترته هو من دون البشر
وانا ياما على بابي انتظر
هو الي على بالي خطر
نساني الي فات وجبر
ولقلبي عبر
لكنه غدر
وصبح كلامه غبر
كله فشر
قلبي اتكسر

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, May 10, 2005

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


قالوا غلب الدمعُ الأسى
قالوا أن من بكيَ نسى

قالوا أن داميَ القلبِ أعماهُ
وأن فاقد الشئ ما أعطاهُ

و ما حاجتك به وانتِ
إن بقيت وحدك سطعت وبنتِ

قالوا إن جاء لوذي بالفرار
كي لا تفقدي حق الاختيار

فإنه منساق من عشق محبوبه
لمخادع أعمى عيوبه

فقلت كيف والعشق سرمديّ
آسرٌ عميقٌ وأبديّ

مارد تتضاءل أمامه الأحزان
جنون يمس بني الإنسان

ماهمه ما الماضي قتل
ولا كم من العمر وصل

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, December 10, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008


يا طائراً في خاطري
يهفو, يحرك للجمال مشاعري

قد كنتِ محرابيَ الذي
أقمتُ فيه شعائري
بستاناً أخضراً
زرعتُ فيه بشائري

أشعر أن العمرَ من دونكِ عقربٌ
في ساحةِ الأقدارِ ليس بدائرِ

أنا قد رحلت
وأسدلت قبل الرحيل ستائري

Someone wrote this for me back in 1999, I changed it a bit and decided to publish it on my blog..

Monday, November 3, 2008

5 Reasons Why Your Woman Is Angry

Well don’t you guys want to know what’s going on when your woman is angry for no obvious reason, when she all of a sudden snaps at you, when the drama is in the air and you just don’t know what is it that you have done to deserve such treatment. Well here are 5 reasons why a woman might snap at you when you think you did not deserve it.
1. PMS:
On a journey through the uncharted seas of perimenopause and menopause many women encounter rough sailing. Days maybe filled with the swells and troughs of depression, tears, mood swings, irrational angry outbursts, lethargy, and fatigue.
Their moods and body may seem totally out of control. What is happening ?The emotional roller coaster that accompanies premenstrual syndrome (PMS), perimenopause and post menopause is most profoundly connected to the flow of two powerful hormones, estrogen and progesterone. The change in hormones levels during the premenstrual cycle does in fact affect their moods and cause some out of control behaviors, knowing your woman, knowing how she normally reacts, understanding what she is going through will definitely help tune down the drama and handle the situation in a less emotional way.
How to know its PMS?
Well if you are intimate you will notice that the mood swings could go from wanting to have intimacy and being seriously dramatic about things that she normally wouldn’t be dramatic about, also if she is not usually a crier you will notice that she will be shedding lots of tears for any reason.
It’s of course different from one woman to the other, you can of course know by asking her, a woman knows what mood swings she gets and when through her premenstrual cycle. 2. Piling up:
Some women are too sensitive but they barely show it, I think it’s about low self esteem, they just keep pressuring their selves and holding inside until out of nowhere she snaps at you over something- at that moment- doesn’t seem like a big deal.
If you are with a woman who tends not to really show how she feels, and keep pressuring herself try to ask her questions to know if she is okay, in the matter of fact asking too many questions is a good way of communicating with your partner, sometimes just asking a general question like what’s wrong or how are you feeling doesn’t really give you much of a detailed answer, you need to dig in and ask some serious questions detailed questions, and it really helps once in a while to ask your woman if she is happy and what scares her off or what’s really her biggest concern at the moment.
How do you know your woman is piling up?
Well you listen to her when she snaps and try to keep it quiet until everything comes out and she opens up to you with everything, also don’t ever say things like oh so after all you are stubborn? Or oh so you are not as quiet as you used to say you are? Just don’t say stuff like that or anything that will encourage the piling behavior. Accusations and judgments from your partner do affect how open you are about your feelings and emotions, like if she asks a question that you think is just too silly or that you don’t really want to answer just don’t shut her down, encourage opening up by opening up to her yourself telling her your plan, having that relationship conversation you have been avoiding for a while. Make sure you handle problems one by one as soon as they occur and be sure that your partner is absolutely letting go of that matter and that a final solution has been reached, and that she brought out everything she kept inside to the light so that nothing will stay there and pile up through time.
3. Diet:
Everybody knows you are what you eat, but for some reason, most of us don't connect that old adage with how we feel. Your body and your mind are both parts of you, so of course what you eat doesn't just affect your health, it also affects your mental state.
One big set of chemicals that control mood are the neurotransmitters in the brain led by the pleasure "drug" serotonin. These substances determine whether you feel good and energetic or tired, irritable, and spacey.
If your woman is on a diet she could be probably suffering from deficiency in certain vitamins or minerals, or perhaps she is depriving herself of some food that is causing her mood to be low. 4. Emotional Frustration:
Sometimes women have expectations that may not be exactly what you guys are looking for at the moment, see we all dream about wedding gowns, cakes, bridesmaids, babies, pink fluffy stuff, shoes, bags, rings, yes we do and you can’t change that, now sometimes when you say that someday you want to have kids what we hear is: “Expect a proposal very soon cause I want to have kids with you” or when a woman asks you “Honey I saw a beautiful wedding gown at the mall” and you go “oh why didn’t you try it on see how it looks like on you” in our head we hear: “Try it on honey and I hope it fits you now because I will marry you now and you will wear that dress in our wedding” unless you are proposing this weekend, that’s a big NO NO! unless you are ready to make a serious commitment, avoid conversations including babies, wedding gowns, or wedding rings, in fact don’t ever mention the word wedding if you are not already engaged to that woman, see when you guys meet a woman the first thing you do is picturing her naked, the first thing we do is picturing you in a tuxedo wowing at her beautiful white gown while her father holds her hand walking towards you.
That’s one reason that may cause emotional frustration and cause your woman to be depressed and disappointed, if you have been giving her false messages, or if you know she is depending on you to do something please don’t let her down.
The problem is that after emotional frustrations a woman can’t exactly say what’s upsetting her because in her point of view it’s something that she expects you to know or do by yourself.
How do you keep your woman from being frustrated?
By telling her exactly how you feel and what your plans are, what you are expecting from the relationship and where you are going. By not getting her too emotional and make her think she will be expecting a proposal from you soon while you are planning on taking your time. Don’t ask her hypothetically if she would marry you unless you are planning to propose very very soon, and by soon I mean days not months. 5. Miscommunication:
I know we are not easily understood, we tend to comprehend things according to our perspectives, we are edgy and emotional but we communicate in general more than you guys do. I know that almost every man on earth thinks he knows what women want and I can swear that this is not true.
No it’s not how you look that interests me it’s how you make yourself look, it’s not where you work it’s what you do for a living, it’s not how much you have it’s how much you are willing to spend on me, and it’s not just how you feel about me it’s also how you make me feel about myself.
There are so many things that you need to understand about your woman and communicating is the best way to do, ask questions be curious and when you do please listen to the answers, don’t interrupt even if you were going to say I love you, if you want someone to really love you, you need to make them feel good about themselves, conditional love is a no no, don’t ever tell your partner that if she does this or that you will love her more, or that you might lose her if she continues doing somthing, unless it’s extremely true and necessary don’t ever say that it will just make your partner feel insecure.Don’t be that guy who knows how a woman feels about something and goes right away telling her that this really doesn’t matter, even if how she feels is hating how she looked in the party last night, or not wanting some other even to steal her thunder on her special day because it is a big deal to her, and if you don’t feel the same way try to be understanding and supportive and don’t say things like that’s just stupid or I don’t really care.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Candy Bar

I used to have my own dreams
Which no one really cared about
I used to cry all night in screams
While no one had a doubt

They don’t know and how would they
They thought am all about looks
They thought all I cared about is play
They think I read no books

They flirted with my eyes
They said the best of words
They talked about my size
About my taste in cloths

And that is why am unsatisfied
I want them to really read
To listen, to let me be justified
For my soul to nourish and feed

Hear out my thoughts and see my reactions
Know my heart and my soul
Stop the flirting and the sensual actions
Are you even listening to me at all?

I want to be who I am
Without the stereotyping
I want someone to really give a damn
And think that I am exciting

Before I lose my dreams
Become a soulless candy bar
A doll of what it seems
An engine without a car

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, August 10, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Once Upon a Liar

You say it’s not serious
You are a little mysterious

You blame me for this
For I created a mess

For I caught you in the lie
Where you had no alibi

You say it’s harmless
You use if for defense

What about attention?
And all the fake affection?

I can’t close my eyes
Act like I didn’t realize

That you are taking me for a fool
And thinking it isn’t cruel

For confusing me a lot
Between what’s real and what’s not

And I am torn between
What I know and what I’ve seen

Resent such a terrible liar?
Let you burn in your fire?

Or drink from your cup?
Petty you for being f**ked up?

I wonder what anyone would do
If they had known a friend/liar like you

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, March 10, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Gaza Bay

Its slumbering in darkness
So they say..
You need to wait
Till the light shows a ray..
But my son is out
He went to pray..
I hear the bombs,
It’s time for slay
I need to warn him.
I will reach him before they..
Calm down,
Drink some water,
Wait, here you stay
She threw the tray..
She pushed them away
Ran outside
Touching through her way
Son, where are you..
Come this way
Let’s go home..
And forget this day
You can’t die now
Do you remember yesterday?
We were crying
Before your father’s portray
They killed him my son
He is the Martyr of Gaza bay.
Again a bomb, I feel so numb,
But it's okay,
Nothing will stop me
Not ever, not today..
There you are,
With the kids you play
Let me hug you
Apologize for the delay
How come you are so young?
So peaceful no affray
Mom don’t worry
You don’t have to be sorry
We have died this day
We are in no-betray
We are in heaven,
This is our pay

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, March 2, 2008

حبي لك

حبي لكَ
بحرٌ عميقٌ
تعصِفُ به الريح فيظلُّ صامداً
ويغلفه الليلُ فيعكس ضياءَ القمرْ.
وشمسٌ مشرقةٌ
يحجبها السحابُ فلا تظلم في وجه بشرْ..
وفلاةٌ واسعةٌ فأينما اتجهت لا مفرْ
حبُ امرأةٍ مجنونةٍ
خُيِل لها أن تتحدى القدرْ..

*Copyrights reserved, Someday in 1999

Saturday, March 1, 2008


لستُ حبـّة ملحٍ
في بحرٍ أودعتموها
لستُ حبـّةَ رملٍ
في مهبِّ ريحٍ ألقيتموها
لستُ غراباً اسوداً
تطـّيراتكم عليّ قد علقتموها

لن تغطوا لي عيوني
لن أفيق من جنوني
لن أتوب من فتوني

فحبـُّه قد ملأ شغافي
ان رأيتموه اثماً
فانظروا قولَ الصِحافِ
سأصرخ باسمه حباً
وأكتبُ عنه غيرَ كافٍ

لستُ طفلةً
أنا أرملةٌ
من الحُبِ قد يتمتموها

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, 23 March, 1998

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Frog Prince

Deep in my dreams,
I saw you close by my side.
And the words you said to me,
made me reel down deep inside.

My hand in your hand,
yearning for your hugs.
Dreaming about fairy tales,
where princes start as frogs.

What is this wonder,
that love can make me feel?
Am I deep now in slumber,
or is my prince a real?

Now, now my dream,
you're not just a name.
By saying words I wish to hear,
a real prince you've became.

This smile on my face,
will carry the love I've known.
Like a fairy tale come true,
the joy this love has shown.

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, April 22 2005


ما عرفتني
كنتُ قد وجدتُكَ وسلّمت
وكنتُ أحبُك وتبحثُ عن الحُبّ
كنا متباعدين..مُحِبةٌ ومُجرِب

قلتَ إن لم تكونِي فلن أكون
وكنتَ أنت ولم أكن أنا
فكنتَ حباً وقلباً ولم أكنْ إلا تجربةً

لقد انتهيتُ من التجَاربِ ومن الفشل
فلن أعود ولن أكون
وإني مخلصةٌ لنفسي ليس لكَ

ما عرفتني
فقد أحببتني قليلاً
واختبرتني وقتاً
وما وثقت فيَّ أبداً

كُنتَ أكبرَ بنفسِكَ من نفسِك
ليس الكبَر نقيض الخضوع
إنه الكبَرُ الذي أثقل كاهِلك
فلم تعد بسيط المشاعر

الآن تعلـّمتُ منك
فلن أثق بك..لن أكونَ لـَك

لقد انتهيت
لا لم أنتهِ ولكن وصلت
لا لم أصل ولكنني تعبت
ولم أتعب بقدر ما أحببت

إن كنتُ قد أعطيتُ كُلاّ..فهذا حالي
وإن كنتُ سأخلصُ زمناً فهذا مآلي
فقد أخلصتُ من قبل
وإن عدتَ في هذا الزمان ووجدتني على حالي

إن عدتَ فكنتَ..وأردت
فلن تجدَ حباً مقطوعا.. ولا ليناً أو خضوعاً
ستجدُ قلباً يـُحبك لأنه عجزَ إلا أن يُحب
فما عرفتني وما عرفته.. وما أردت

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, June 12 2005

Left Zeros

Come on!
Precuss those keys.

Say things that can never be
Write it down,
Pretend that love is what you see.

As if a frog can mutate to a prince
And togather,
Will live happily ever since.

As if magic can ever happen
Just a spill,
And the mirage is such heaven.

What were u thinkin,
Silly dreams,
a cozy house n a lovely husband?

Ugly frogs remain the same.
Smelly, sticky,
Even with a crown n a noble name.

Hypocrites are this worlds heros.
in such a world,
A one needs no left zeros.

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, July 02 2005


This is not a poem,
This time its all about me,
The story about half a face.

Half filled, half empty,
Half smart, half crazy,
Half n hell, half n grace.

About a life looks so glimmering,
A heart never settled,
And a mind roaming in space.

What is life when u keep loosing names,
When your heart never beats,
When you'r running outside the race.

Waiting for a prince never existed,
Loosing good people,
Preventing them from taking his place.

Distrained inside my brain,
Reliving my childhood's pain,
Not letting memories to erase.

But dont get me wrong,
Am happy to be me,
Some one no body can trace.

a female who can sew the words,
Bake the feelings and still,
Have wizardary in her case.

A woman with beautiful thoughts,
Sensational talents,
And a distant dream to chace.

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, September 13 2007

عشقت قمر

عشقت قمر
قضيت أيامي شجون وسهر
فاكر لما كنا سوا تحت المطر
يومها قلت لي
أنا قلبي خلي
من كل حب رخص أو غلي
إلا حبِك
إلا قلبِك
وفاكِر لما عيونك في الأول باسِتني
أصدي شافتني
ماهو عيونَك بتلخبط وتحيـّر
وأنا قلت لَك قلبي عمره ما يتغيـّر
أنا ليك
انت علمتني إزاي أحب
وبإيدك شاورتلي على مكان القلب
قلت لي هنا حطيني
ايوه جواك خليني
وانا مكدبتش خبَر
لإنك قمَر
وفاكر لما وقفنا عند النيل
قلت لي وأنا معاكِ كل شئ جميل
سامعه النيل بيغني غنانا؟
سامعاه بيقول إيه على هوانا؟
وفاكِر لما مشينا وكانت الشمس بتغرب؟
قلتلَك اتأخرت قلت دي بتهرب
قلبك بكي وأنا بمشي
من يومها مبتنامشي
قلت لي غبتِ ليه بقالك زمان؟
معاكِ أنا حاسس بأمان
ياحبيبي وأنا كمان
ودي آخر مره أغيب
دانت أول وآخر حبيب
وبوعدك هنفضل سوا
أنا وانت وبينا هوا
ومهما كنت عني بعيد
عارفه انك جاي أكيد
زي ما قلت لك
وحلفت لك
أنا أصلي بعشق قمر

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, October 27 2005

No Longer

I looked in the mirror..

I saw a girl with a heart over the head..

Who is she? I said..

Couldn't be me, the heart is not mine..

I have killed my heart a million time..

And I kept wondering..

What's that mask I am wearing..

The mask of weak girls..

With a soft heart and long nails..

And a guy who butts in the way she is dressed..

And for blind obedience he stressed..

A guy who would lie..

Says for her he would die..

And once she slips..

He closes his lips..

No more love poems..

No more passionate words..


But I know that story..

Over haste..

I have no time to waste..

Promiss you am not her..

Am no longer that girl !!

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, November 21, 2005

For All That You Go Through

Here I sit, thinking of you,
Wondering what is to become of us.
Understanding all you have been through,
Hoping to slowly gain your trust.

My heart aches for you,
And also I yearn.
I want to understand you,
In hopes that I will learn.

My love to you goes beyond the words,
At first it didn't seem so real.
But that just taught me a lesson,
In doubting what I feel.

It seems; I dreamed you into life,
And the reason for my stare.
The bluest sky, the deepest sea,
Don't even compare.

Coz when the world is not so perfect,
There's nowhere else I want to be.
Except laying underneath the stars,
Hand in hand, you and me.

I love you in every single way.
And thoughts of you run through my head,
Every hour of every day.
For all this I hope you understand,
I can't live without you.
And I will be your guiding hand,
For all that you go through.

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, November 27, 2005

She Casted a Spell

She threw her hair,
Behind her shoulders
That the moon reflected on her face

“Now I will get you” she cried,
As the fire deflagrated
And lightened the place


Stabbed the doll, stuck a hundred pins,
Roaring, rumbling sounds all over,
As if all demons came out from hell

Then she did a voodooist dance
Around the flames
And started casting a spell


Blinded by anger, filled with pain,
She wanted revenge,
Like there was no tomorrow.

She wanted to curse him,
Deprive him forever from love
Find comfort in his sorrow


“May his heart never beat for
the cause of love” she cried,
And by this he shall not be loved again

What a cruel thing one may think
For her it’s what he deserved
For breaking her heart and causing such pain


Only he wasn’t cursed
He wasn’t miserable
In fact, by that spell he was blessed

Because no body
Would love such a looser anyway
And love was something that he never missed

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, May 10 2006

5 Types of Guys you should never date

The Drama Queens:
This guy will always have a black story that he will always tell to get people’s sympathy , will always exaggerate things and talk about his emotions and feelings and how deeply his heart was broken when you forget to buy the things he asked you to from the supermarket. They tend to be sad and depressed and talk about how crappy their life is all the time. They are not any good in making anyone feel better fight a lot over the stupidest things they tend to be over suspicious and always expect the worst to happen. They usually come off really needy and emotional at first but they seem very self-centered when the relationship goes further. He could also try making you jealous all the time (creating the drama).
Why not to date this type: because the tendency they have to always have a drama going on will put you both in an endless series of fights and every time you try to please him to have some peace another storm will come and the more you try to please them the more dramatic they will get.
How to get rid of him: you can try a couple of things like when he starts a fight, say that you should really sleep, be boring, and no matter what don’t give him the “drama”.

The Possessive guy:
This kind is very sweet and romantic at the beginning he would stay all night with you on the phone, he will call you 15 times a day and will tell you the sweetest things at the beginning and then when you are totally in love with him he will try isolating you from every one, to the level where you are totally dependent on him. When you start to really trust him he would try breaking your self esteem and making you think that you are the worst human being ever and that no one will ever fall in love with you or give you the things he did, this type tends to be verbally and physically abusive whenever possible to break your well and there for your courage to even think of being with someone else. They are insanely jealous you will probably think it’s sweet at the beginning and that he does that because he really loves you but no it’s not like that over jealousy is not sweet and it shows deep insecurities and in a relationship like this you will probably end up emotionally and/or physically destroyed.
Why not to date this type: like I said this guy has a lot of issues and he probably thinks you are too good for him even if it’s not true, and the more he breaks you down the worse he becomes.
How to get rid of him: just cut him off and stop calling him or taking his calls trust me you never want to be with this guy and no matter what you do don’t ever tell him where you are he might stalk you and stab you or something for breaking up with him!.

Mamma’s Boy:
He is probably raised by his mom, or the only male in the family, maybe he only has sisters and no brothers at all. Probably his dad bit the crap out of him when he was young. This type tends to talk and think like women, they are men in all physical possible ways but they love gossiping and shopping they‘d also wave their hand a lot while talking and when they are not using it then it’s probably on their chest, they care a lot about what mama thinks and wouldn’t dare to do anything against her well, they are probably 30 years or older and haven’t been in a serious relationship yet. They may let mama pick up their clothes, and maybe when they are visiting some friends she would ask the hostess to show her son the toilette because he needs to “poop” (it happened!). She would speak for him all the time and keeps reminding him of the things he wants for himself (which are actually the things she wants for him) and like I said before he will never say no to his mamma.
Why not to be with such a guy: because his mamma will butt in your life forever.
How to get rid of him: tell him you hate his mamma because she is an obsessive compulsive controlling freak!

The Superficial:
This guy will always have two women in his life, one to communicate with and one to make love with; he will probably marry the second one and complain about her to the first one who could also be his best friend. The one he loves is probably really pretty but too stupid or is so different than him in a way that they have communication problems all the time, the other one he clicks with and gets really comfortable around but he isn’t really hot for. Usually these guys were really picked at when they were younger or had a lousy life as a teenager or just need a very strong stimulus to be hot (yah it’s what u think). If you are the “Friend” then you are probably asking yourself why he isn’t in love with me. and wonder if there is anything you miss. If you’re the “Lover” then you are probably fighting a lot with him and think that he is crazy or double faced and you will probably love him a lot and fight with him a lot or will not love him at all and come to realize that he doesn’t really love you and then you should break up with him. Other than beauty a superficial guy would marry someone for their money, or anything they have.
Why not to be with such a guy: he is the kind of guy who draws a picture and try fitting his woman in no matter if she is the one, if she fits then he is willing to live in misery just to complete the picture. If you happened to meet this guy and really like him and bond with him but he never says "I love you" then you should probably stop wanting him to want you coz he never will and you are wasting your time. Guys like him will suffer for the rest of their lives because of their bad choices.
How to get rid of him: get a total make over that you become totally his type then dump him and say that you are too good for him.

The Uptight:
This is the kind of guy who ‘d pay his bills as soon as they arrive, when you ask him why isn’t he being romantic anymore he would tell u stuff like “we have more important things to deal with now” and whenever you try something new or come up with a creative idea would make fun of you and say things about how silly this could be, not only that but his jokes (if he ever makes any) are all about criticizing people and making fun of their mistakes. He could be fat and rounded in a way that he couldn’t even see his own toes if he looks down. But would still complain about your hair’s color, your makeup and even say that you are fat. He prefers eating the food he knows and wouldn’t try anything else for the world. He prefers going to the places he has already been to and he always thinks he is right!
Why not to be with such a guy: okay I know it’s safer to be with a guy who knows where he is going and what’s he doing tomorrow but it’s a very boring relationship and sooner or later you will find it harder to be at his expectations all the time, he is the kind of perfectionist who sometimes could be a total freak and all bossy and controlling and obsessive about details.
How to get rid of him: be clumsy and careless and tell him a story once then tell it again with different details that’ll drive him crazy.

*Copyrights reserved for Sarah Arram, July 4 2007